Transitions, New Chapters, Epic Journeys


Dear Yogis,

This year, although still brand new, has already brought so many changes, and I want to take a few moments to share and reflect on them with you.  I began this year in a new home, with a radically new life in many ways, and a yearning to live more to the root of my being. My family and I have moved from California, where we have lived for the past 7 years, back to the soft, ancient mountains of WNC, only an hour from where I was born and where my family still lives.

I won’t lie, the transition has been intense, especially for my children, and I had extreme moments of doubt.  Doubt in myself, in my decision, even doubt about my life path. Through it all, I have continued to lean in to the trust that I have spent 20 years of practice developing, and return day after day to the techniques that keep me connected to my soul.  

We have embarked upon a new chapter of our epic journey.  One that has us stepping into the future, and simultaneously re-establishing our connection to our history, our legacy, and our roots.  It’s a homecoming, in the truest sense. I’ve been contemplating how to bring this journey into my work life, and into my practice. What I’ve discovered is simple.  A return to relationship and connection.

You see, I’ve spent the past ten years building my dream.  Creating programing that expresses a human approach to YogaStudying and practicing the philosophies of Tantra and Yoga, and interpreting them through the truth of the life that I was living, and that I believe we all live.  One where we recognize and accept challenge, not as failure to thrive, but as the fertilizer for our continued evolution. And I have strived to bring these teachings to YOU.  For the last three years, I’ve traversed tens of thousands of miles, spent countless hours in airplanes, and days upon days away from my children and my family. I’ve focused on bringing our approach to you where you live, in your neighborhood studios, your communities.  I’ve spent time supporting our amazing team of Vira Bhava Yogis in bringing the heart of our approach to you, and traveled to their communities to meet you. Through all of this movement and sharing, I haven’t had the time and ability to connect with you one-on-one. To spend time getting to know you, and understanding your path of practice, and the unique challenges and triumphs you have experienced.

So, we are changing things.  Creating a new platform through which to deliver our unique and very human approach to Yoga and Life in a way that will be mindful of our time and energy, and open up new opportunities to connect and grow.  We have refined our 230 Hour program, and are offering it to any RYT graduate of our 230 Hour program who would like to offer Teacher Trainings in their communities.If you feel ready to teach the teachers and share these practices in a bigger way, then contact us directly for more information about the 230 Hour License Program.

We are also taking our 300 Hour Advanced Studies Training online. This program will consist of 4 modules of live recorded lecture, supplemental materials, mentor support, live online classes, and a community of practitioners all over the country. With this approach, you will have the choice of diving deeper into study without any of the requirements of teacher certification and all of the juice. OR you can pursue your RYT-500 by completing the online modules and joining us for 2 Live and In Person weekends (offered both on the West Coast and the East Coast), and enhanced mentorship and support from our team and from yours truly.  To support you in joining us for this inaugural program, we have reduced the cost of the certification program. You can now join our 300 Hour Advanced Studies program for over $1000 off the regular price. This will only be offered once, and next year the program will return to it’s original cost. If you have been wanting to join us, to deepen your study, to explore the connection to soul, Self and practice through the tools of Vira Bhava Yoga, but your time or budget has kept you from it, we hope that our new approach will allow you to meet that desire, and help you to come back to what the practices of Yoga and Tantra have to offer.

We are very excited about this evolution, and though it might seem like a paradox, we are taking our programs online so that we may have more time to connect directly with you!  We will be adding much more content to our website (classes, meditations, talks, etc.), as well as offer more specialized LIVE content, AND we will be returning to the adventure of leading retreats!!
Click here for more information on Upcoming Retreats.

Our goal is to gain more time to develop meaningful relationships with YOU.  We are striving to bring the human connection back to Yoga, and we know that living it is the best opportunity to teach it.  

Lastly, you don’t have to register for a training to dive deeper into relationship and study with me.  I am offering a private client program designed in collaboration with YOU to meet the needs of support and guidance you desire for your practice and life.  If you are interested in working directly with me in this way, check out the Apprenticeship Program link here. Space is limited, but spots open up every month, so apply if you are interested.

I hope that 2019 finds you coming home to yourself as well, uncovering your values, and investing in the soulful work of depth, humanness, and connection. If you’ve been longing to return to your roots of practice and support, Vira Bhava Yoga would love to have you join us. We hope to be connecting with you soon.

Many blessings,
