What Our Trainings ARE:

  • An expansive and integrative online learning experience with a strong community of support.  VBY Programs provide experienced faculty, expert content and opportunities to think critically and experientially about the material offered. 

  • An opportunity to learn, grow, and share. We provide each student with the tools and skills to explore the practice of Yoga, teach asana safely, and help them cultivate the wisdom of direct experience to allow them to apply these tools in Yoga and in life.

  • Community affairs.  Yoga is a solo practice, but you can’t do it alone.  We provide cohort support, accountability partners, and experienced mentorship to all of our students creating space to process your discoveries and connect with others.

  • Interactive. Our trainings are structured as both synchronous and asynchronous learning.  That means that you will meet “live” with your cohort group regularly, as well as work independently. 

  • Integrative Learning. At VBY we will encourage you to unlearn the old ideas of right and wrong, and good and bad, and challenge you to courageously find your own understanding of Tantra & Yoga philosophy through direct experience, active exploration, and shared communication.

What Our Trainings ARE NOT:

  • Self-directed learning.  Our YTT programs are NOT a work at your own pace model, and instead provide a clear structure, timeline, and integrative learning experience so that you graduate as more than just a leader of Yoga classes; you graduate with the confidence & authority needed to teach others.  

  • Achievement-oriented. We will encourage you to unhook from performance based models of learning, and boldly explore what is right and true for YOU. We believe that Yoga is who you are at your essence, and you CANNOT fail at that.  So, we work with you to discover what Yoga is for you, instead of requiring you to do it “our way.”

  • Perfection-demanding. We believe that there are as many ways to practice, learn, and teach Yoga as there are practitioners of it.  We do NOT demand perfection of our YTTs and instead hold space for their own discoveries while providing guidance from highly experienced teachers and faculty.

  • Information Overload.  We emphasize knowledge and direct experience over information.  This means we spend as much time helping you to process and understanding the information that we are providing as we do in giving the information itself. 

  • A way to escape your life. At VBY, we do not use Yoga as a tool to escape the stress and challenges of life, but instead as a powerful tool to step fully into the lives that you are living as the place to experiment with the tools that you are learning.